We all know that the key to a long life and healthy heart is a decent, healthy diet. But we also know that it can be hard to maintain a healthy diet and mind in times of economic downfall or whilst trying to survive in low income households, especially if you are living alone- as these key facts suggest:
Two-fifths of people from ethnic minorities in the UK live in low-income households - twice the rate for White people.
A quarter of working-age Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean and Black African households are workless.
Almost half of all Bangladeshis and Pakistanis earn less than £7 per hour. Bangladeshis and Pakistanis have both the lowest work rates and, once in work, the highest likelihood of low pay.
Adults in the poorest fifth of the income distribution are much more likely to be at risk of developing a mental illness as those on average incomes.
Two-fifths of adults aged 45-64 on below-average incomes have a limiting long-standing illnessor disability, more than twice the rate for those on above-average incomes.
Figures from Institute of Race Relations (2009)
We feel that it's entirely unfair when health must be sacrificed by those having to survive on low incomes. That's why at the CSB, we are committed to helping our minority communities. We not only just teach them about what it takes to achieve good health and maintain it, but we will also assist in enabling them to practically integrate these new found practices into their everyday lives without compromising their traditions or cultural practices.
Through a series of community EVENTS as well as training our Care Workers to gradually help our clients take on healthier eating and living practices, we aim to:
Reduce health inequalities for BME communities living in low-income households in London.
Enable clients to identify and break down barriers to social exclusion and mental wellbeing
Work with large health bodies to address key health issues in Asian and Black households e.g. Diabetes